The Slave Girl of Pag
Paška Robinja (‘The Slave Girl of Pag’) is a folk drama first published in the magazine Zora Dalmatinska in 1846. It is traditionally performed during carnival season. The drama is linked to the Battle of Krbava Field. The Ottomans take a daughter of Ban Vlasko captive. The slave girl's fiancé, a…
Tanac Folk Dance of Pag
The tanac folk dance first emerged in the latter half of the 19th century. Zvonko Usmiani revived it after World War II, based on the stories and demonstrations of elderly citizens, thus preserving the almost forgotten customs in the town of Pag. The members of the Družina Culture and Arts…
The Pag Carnival is a tradition that brings togerher all of its citizens with cultural and entertaining events. The winter carnival begins on the first Saturday after the Epiphany and ends on Ash…
Lace from Pag
The lace of Pag, known and valued far and wide, is by the skilled and hard-working hands of women from the town of Pag. The hands that create this splendour of interwoven threads are the hands of…
Folk attire
The folk attire of Pag, renowned for its beauty, has not changed for centuries. The traditional array and ornamentation have been handed down from generation to generation as a token of the…